Report 21: Participation and involvement of the Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta in the humanitarian consequences of the armed conflict in Ukraine



Refugees assisted


Million HUF total value of distributed donations


People helped to continue their journey


Refugees accomodated temporarily


Donation collection points nationwide

Humanitarian access from all locations within Hungary and cross-border – MAP

The Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta is the only one who helped.

Ukrainian mother

The Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta is supporting the integration of three thousand refugees

The Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta will sign a one-year subsidy contract with 150 Ukrainian families residing in Hungary and the organization will also support an additional 2500 refugees during a 3-month period in order to aid the integration of those planning to stay in Hungary long term. With the help of the EU funded integration program, Ukrainian families can live in an apartment rented for them for one year. The beneficiaries are enrolled in accelerated Hungarian language courses while their personal mentors help them with enrolling the children in the public school system, obtaining the required documents, and they also assist the working-age family members with job seeking. The aim of the program is to help the families become self-sufficient and able to take care of themselves without further assistance after one year. The beneficiaries receive monetary support as well. As a recent innovation in the social sector, the Charity Service transfers a fix amount to a “humanitarian card” and the balance can be used only to pay for pre-determined expenses.

 The humanitarian activity of the Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta since the outbreak of the Ukrainian war

Since the onset of the war in Ukraine, the Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta assisted a total of 52 388 refugees, distributed 253 million HUF worth of donations, and delivered 183 tons of aid to Ukraine.

Since the beginning of the conflict, the Charity Service transported or organised the transport of 21 331 persons to their desired destinations. The organization provided 9049 refugees with shelter within its own institutions or in accommodations offered by partner organisations and donors. Altogether 505 refugees received medical care from the Hungarian Charity Service.

The donation collection points, opened to receive non-perishable foods and hygiene products are operating in 68 locations nationwide. The donations distributed so far to support refugees have amounted to 253 million HUF. However, besides distributing donations to Ukrainians within Hungary, assisting the people in Ukraine is also an important part of the Charity Service’s work. To this end, 183 tons and 192 million HUF worth of donations were delivered to Ukraine.

Humanitarian activities nationwide

The Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta continues to assist Ukrainian refugees on a national level, including hotspots in Beregsurány, Budapest, Debrecen, Miskolc and Győr, where it receives and assists families according to their needs – providing temporary accommodation, organising transportation, etc. In addition to the relief hotspots, the Hungarian Malta has an extensive logistics network with warehouses and donation collection points across the country. Temporary accommodation is also provided at the national level. The specific locations of the organization’s humanitarian activities can be seen on our weekly updated map.

Ukraine crisis – helping refugees

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